
Core Values

  1. We are a community called to worship God. We believe that the Triune God of the historic Christian faith is at the centre of our life. We are committed to worshipping God every Sunday because we believe that the God who first created us, and then redeemed us by sending Jesus into our world, deserves our heartfelt praise! We long to be a community who bring honour and glory to God in all that we do, every day of the week.
  2. We are a community on a journey of faith. We are committed to be followers of Jesus who strive to grow in our faith. God loves us as we are, but He loves us so much that he also longs for us to change, to become more like Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives in us giving us the strength to change. We encourage every member of our community to practice spiritual disciplines, join a small group, and find creative ways to demonstrate and proclaim faith in response to the needs of a broken world.
  3. We are a community of friendship and love. We believe that God has called us to be a community known for its quality of relationships. Our unity is in our common faith in Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit who makes us one. We want to be a safe place; a community where we can be honest and vulnerable with each other. We encourage hospitality, genuine friendships, and vibrant small groups that meet weekly in the homes of our members.
  4. We are a community called to mission. We believe that followers of Jesus are called to reflect and proclaim the good news that God loves the world! We seek to connect with our culture and to proclaim the good news in our neighbourhood and city. We are also committed to practically care for the poor and disadvantaged and to do our part in the global mission of the church, making disciples of Jesus in every corner of the world.